Children, Education & Communities Policy &

Scrutiny Committee


7 March 2023

Report of the Corporate Director of Children & Education & Communities

School Improvement Update


1.    This report provides Members with information about school performance in the academic year 2021- 2022 and the outcomes of disadvantaged pupils.


2.    Members are asked to note the contents of the report and consider plans for ongoing scrutiny of the issues raised within the analysis of the data and the key priorities for improvement.

Reason: To ensure that the Committee fully discharges its responsibilities where a local authority must exercise its education functions with a view to promoting high standards Section 13A of the Education Act 1996.


3.    Our ambition is to secure better outcomes for children and young people and schools are supported so that every child and young person has the opportunity to develop, learn and achieve their aspirations. The 2021-22 outcomes continue to demonstrate York’s strong education system that has some of the best performing schools in the country and enables most of our children and young people reach levels of attainment above the national average.

4.    We continue to champion children from disadvantaged and vulnerable groups whose outcomes are below those of their peers nationally and to ensure that gaps in achievement between different groups of children and young people are closing. Our pioneering Early Talk for York programme, which aims to improve the speech, language and communication outcomes for disadvantaged children, has already seen significant gains, which we aim to build on in the future. 

5.    After a deep data analysis in 2019, we developed a strategic approach to improving outcomes for children and young people. Historically, the progress and attainment of children and young people with disadvantage and SEND were below national averages. To tackle this, over the past two years, there has been greater cross-working between Early Years Settings, Schools, SEND, Healthy Child Service, Education Services, Effectiveness and Achievement 0-25 years, Early Years Quality Improvement, Governor Service (Education), and the Skills Team.  

6.    While results in the expected standard at the end of Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2) have dipped this year due in the main to the covid pandemic, York's decrease, in the vast majority of cases, is at a slower rate than the average fall nationally and has improved in Reading at the end of KS2 as did progress from KS1 to KS2 in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. However, we are not complacent. York schools have implemented catch-up programmes and interventions to support children and young people in their learning using catch-up funding, Pupil Premium, Pupil Premium Plus and SEN funding. Through the York Schools and Academies Board (YSAB), the priority is a focus on good attendance at settings and schools to ensure that all the city's children and young people can access provision and support, which allows them to thrive, gain resilience and achieve good outcomes.

7.    4,046 of York's 23,368 children eligible for Pupil Premium are classified by the Department for Education as disadvantaged; this is 17.3% of York's cohort, which is 9.2% lower than the national average of 26.5%.  

Key messages

Primary and secondary school performance 2021- 2022

Early Years Foundation Stage (Good Level of Development)

8.    On 1 Sept 2021 — The new early years foundation stage (EYFS) framework came into effect. Therefore, due to changes to the EYFS framework this year, trend data is not available until 2023. Of the 1,793 pupils assessed using the early years foundation stage profile, 70.9% achieved a good level of development in York, 5.7% higher than the National average of 65.2%. York is in the 12th percentile when compared to all LAs nationally. LAs are ranked 1 - 100, 1 being the highest achieving LAs.

9.    53.0% of York’s disadvantaged cohort achieved a good level of development, 105 pupils out of 198. York's disadvantaged outcomes are above national disadvantaged percentages for the first time since 2015. York's disadvantaged children have the shallowest dip in results compared to all other groups (less than 1% vs non-disadvantaged at 5% or more nationally).

10.  The 'gap' between non-disadvantaged children nationally and disadvantaged children in the Early Talk for York (ETfY) schools has reduced from 34.5% in 2018 to 2.5% in 2022. Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in York are in the 31st percentile for the EYFS' good level of development when compared to other LAs. This data provides further confidence that ETfY is meeting its primary objective of improving speech, language and communication outcomes for all children with a particular positive benefit for disadvantaged children in the city. Part of the success of ETfY is the implementation of the WellComm speech and language screening and intervention toolkit. This year a scale-up of the WellComm toolkit across the settings and schools resulted in 81% completing assessments by February 2023. The target is to have all children in York settings and schools use the WellComm toolkit by the end of 2023.

11.  Action to improve Early Years Foundation Stage outcomes: Continue the rollout and scale-up of the Early Talk for York approach, particularly facilitating access to high-quality training for a greater proportion of the diverse early years' workforce and partner organisations.

Phonics Expected Standard (Year 1 & Year 2)

12.  All Year 1 pupils: Of the 1,831 Year 1 pupils in York assessed in Phonics, a total of 1,393 pupils, 76.1%, achieved the expected standard, 0.6% higher than the National average of 75.5%. However, York's Year 1 expected standard percentage has decreased by 8.2% from 84.3% in 2018/19, compared to a 6.4% drop nationally. York fell 22 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 28 to 50; this is equivalent to approximately 151 fewer pupils achieving the expected standard in 2021/22 compared to 2018/19.

13.  Disadvantaged: 57.4% of York's Year 1 disadvantaged cohort achieved the expected standard in Phonics, 162 pupils out of 282. Year 1 disadvantaged outcomes in Phonics decreased by 14.6% from 72.0% in 2018/19 to 57.4% in 2021/22 and are in the 80th percentile for Phonics Expected Standard compared to other LAs.

14.  End of Key Stage 1 pupils: Of the 1,833 end of KS1 pupils in York assessed in Phonics, a total of 1,623 pupils, 88.5% achieved the expected standard in York, 1.5% higher than the National average of 87%. York rose 18 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 46 to 28.

15.  Action to improve Year 1 Phonic outcomes: We are targeting schools underperforming in Phonics outcomes and referring them to work with the Endeavour English Hub, one of only 34 schools across England appointed by the DfE to take a leading role in supporting schools to improve their teaching of Phonics, early reading and early language. The Hub also provides training to schools with significant numbers of children moving into Key Stage 2 not reaching the required standard in Phonics.  

End of Key Stage 1 (KS1) Expected standard


16.  KS1 Reading expected standard for all pupils: Of the 1,858 pupils in York assessed at the end of KS1, 68.8% achieved the expected standard in Reading, a total of 1,279 pupils, 2.0% higher than the National average of 66.8%. York LA's expected standard percentage in Reading has decreased by 7.3% from 76.1% in 2018/19, compared to an 8.1% decrease nationally. York LA rose 5 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 43 to 38.

17.  KS1 Writing expected standard for all pupils: Of the 1,858 pupils in York at the end of KS1, 59.6% achieved the expected standard in Writing, a total of 1,107 pupils, 2.0% higher than the National average of 57.6%. York’s expected standard percentage in Writing has decreased by 11.3% from 70.9% in 2018/19 to 59.6% in 2021/22, compared to 11.6% decrease nationally. York rose 1 place in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 37 to 36 and rose 1 place since 2012/18.

18.  KS1 Mathematics expected standard for all pupils: Of 1,858 pupils in York at the end of KS1, 68.8% achieved the expected standard in Maths, a total of 1,278 pupils, 1.2% higher than the National average of 67.6%. York's expected standard percentage in Maths has decreased by 7.8% from 76.6% in 2018/19 to 68.8% in 2021/22, compared to an 8% decrease nationally. York fell 4 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 42 to 46.

19.  KS1 Reading, Writing & Maths combined expected standard for all pupils: 54.9% of York’s KS1 cohort achieved combined Reading, Writing & Maths Expected Standard, 1.5% higher than the National average of 53.4%.

20.  KS1 disadvantaged pupil Reading, Writing & Maths combined expected standard: 27.9% of your York's disadvantaged cohort achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing & Maths, 85 pupils out of 305. The disadvantaged cohort's combined Reading, Writing & Maths Expected Standard has decreased by 14.0% from 41.9% in 2018/19 to 27.9% in 2021/22. The disadvantaged pupils in York are in the 94th percentile for combined Reading, Writing & Maths Expected Standard compared to other LAs.

21.  Action to improve disadvantaged outcomes at the end of KS1: Expand the successful implementation of ETfY Elklan training in speech and language to KS1 practitioners, joint working with the Endeavour English Hub, collaboration with Huntington Research School on metacognition and ensure faithful implementation of White Rose concrete, pictorial & abstract principles in mathematics. In addition, develop KS1 teachers' understanding of the assessment and moderation process so that they accurately assess children’s work, so have a greater understanding of what children have learnt and plan the next steps in learning.

End of Key Stage 2 (KS2) Expected standard


22.  KS1 to KS2 Reading progress: Based on a cohort of 1,924 pupils at the end of KS2, York achieved a Reading progress score of +0.9, which is significantly above the National average. York's Reading progress score has increased by 0.7 from +0.2 in 2018/19 to +0.9 in 2021/22 and rose 29 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 55 to 26.


23.  KS1 to KS2 Writing progress: Based on a cohort of 1,940 pupils at the end of KS2, York achieved a Writing progress score of +0.5, which is significantly above the National average. York's Writing progress score has increased by 0.5 from 0.0 in 2018/19 to +0.5 in 2021/22 and rose 13 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 56 to 43.


24.  KS1 to KS2 Mathematics progress: Based on a cohort of 1,919 pupils at the end of KS2, York achieved a Mathematics progress score of +0.6, which is significantly above the National average. York's Mathematics progress score has increased by 0.3 from +0.3 in 2018/19 to +0.6 in 2021/22 and rose 8 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 50 to 42.


25.  KS2 Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: Of 2,040 pupils in York at the end of KS2, 64.0% achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing & Maths combined, a total of 1,306 pupils and 5.3% higher than the National average of 58.7%; this is equivalent to 109 more pupils in your LA achieving the expected standard compared to the National average. York's expected standard percentage in Reading, Writing & Maths has decreased by 4.3% from 68.3% in 2018/19 to 64.0% in 2021/22, compared to a 6.2% decrease nationally. York rose 9 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 31 to 22 and rose 20 places since 2017/18.

26.  KS2 Reading expected standard for all pupils: Of 2,044 pupils in York at the end of KS2, 78.9% achieved the expected standard in Reading, a total of 1,612 pupils, 4.4% higher than the National average of 74.5%. York's expected standard percentage in Reading has increased by 3.5% from 75.4% in 2018/19 to 78.9% in 2021/22 compared to 1.3% nationally. York rose 23 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 42 to 19. 33.5% achieved a higher standard in Reading compared to 27.8% Nationally

27.  KS2 Writing expected standard for all pupils: 2,050 pupils in York at the end of KS2, 73.6% achieved the expected standard in Writing, a total of 1,509 pupils, 4.1% higher than the National average of 69.5%. York's expected standard percentage in Writing has decreased by 6.9% from 80.5% in 2018/19 to 73.6% in 2021/22, compared to an 8.9% decrease nationally. York rose 19 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 40 to 21. 15.7% achieved a greater depth in Writing compared to 12.9% Nationally.

28.  KS2 Mathematics expected standard for all pupils: 2,050 pupils in York at the end of KS2, 73.6% achieved the expected standard in Mathematics, a total of 1,509 pupils, 4.7% higher than the National average of 71.4%. York's expected standard percentage in Mathematics has decreased by 5.7% from 81.8% in 2018/19 to 76.1% in 2021/2, compared to a 7.3% decrease Nationally. York rose 8 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 31 to 23 and since 2017/18, rose 25 places. 26.7% achieved a higher standard in Maths compared to 22.5% Nationally.

29.  Disadvantaged KS2 Reading Progress: In Reading, York's Disadvantaged progress has improved by 1.48 from -2.19 in 2016 to 0.71 in 2022, and progress is now higher than national for the disadvantaged by 0.19. The York gap between disadvantaged and their non-disadvantaged peers has narrowed by 0.81 since 2016.

30.  Disadvantaged KS2 Writing Progress: In Writing, York's Disadvantaged progress has improved by 1.28 from -2.45 in 2016 to -1.22 in 2022; however, progress is lower than that of the National of -0.8 by 0.4.

31.  Disadvantaged KS2 Mathematics Progress: In Mathematics, York Disadvantage progress in Maths has improved by 0.45 from -1.63 in 2016 to -1.18 in 2022 and is now slightly better than the National of -1.20. However, the York gap in Reading, Writing and Mathematics is wider in each subject than the National gap.

32.  Disadvantaged KS2 Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 39.4% of York’s Disadvantaged cohort achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing & Maths, 154 pupils out of 391. The York gap to non-Disadvantaged pupils nationally has improved by 2.1% from -27.9% in 2018/19, to -25.8% in 2021/22. The Disadvantaged pupils in York are in the 65th percentile for Reading, Writing & Maths Expected Standard compared to other LAs.

33.  Action to improve Disadvantaged outcomes at the end of KS2: To champion the vulnerable so that they achieve standards above the national averages and narrow the gap to their peers. Target the use of known effective strategies towards LA's lower-performing schools, i.e. Metacognition, English Hub Phonics into KS2, Peer to Peer Headteacher support and attendance strategy.

End of Key Stage 4 (KS4) outcomes


34.  Progress 8: Based on an eligible cohort of 1,831 pupils in York at the end of KS4, York achieved a Progress 8 score of +0.26. York’s Progress 8 score has increased by 0.04 from +0.22 in 2018/19 to +0.26 in 2021/22. York Progress 8 score of +0.26 is 0.29 points higher than the National cohort. York rose 10 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 29 to 19.

35.  Attainment 8: based on an eligible cohort of 1,907 pupils at the end of KS4, York has an average Attainment 8 score of 52.9, an increase of 1.5 points from 51.4 in 2018/19 to 52.9 in 2021/22 and 4.2 points higher than the National average score of 48.7. York fell 8 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 14 to 22 but rose 6 places since 2017/18.

36.  English Baccalaureate (EBACC) Average Point Score (APS): Based on an eligible cohort of 1,907 pupils at the end of KS4, York has achieved an English Baccalaureate average point score of 4.67, which is an increase of 0.02 from 4.65 in 2018/19 to 4.67 in 2021/22 and 0.40 points higher than the National cohort average point score of 4.27. York fell 12 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 14 to 26. 41.4% of York's cohort were entered for English Baccalaureate, a total of 789 pupils and has decreased by 15.9% from 57.3%. However, it is 2.7% higher than the National cohort of 38.7% entered. York fell 28 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 10 to 38.

37.  Key Stage 4 English & Maths 5+: From a cohort of 1,907 pupils in York at the end of KS4, 55.6% achieved a grade 5 or more in English & Maths, a total of 1,061 pupils, and 6.0% greater than the National percentage of 49.6% and an increase of 4.7% from 50.9% in 2018/19 to 55.6% in 2021/22. The National percentage increase from 2018/19 was 6.4%. York fell 10 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 16 to 26.  75.3% of York’s cohort achieved a grade of 4 or more in English & Maths, a total of 1,436 pupils.

38.  Key Stage 4 EBACC English 5+: From a cohort of 1,907 pupils at the end of KS4, 74.1% achieved a grade 5 or more in EBacc: English, a total of 1,413 pupils, 8.9% greater than the National percentage of 65.2% and an increased of 3.5% from 70.6% in 2018/19 to 74.1% in 2021/22. The National percentage increase from 2018/19 was 4.6%. York fell 4 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 13 to 17, but is the same as in 2017/18.

39.  Key Stage 4 EBACC Maths 5+: From a cohort of 1,907 pupils in York at the end of KS4, 59.1% achieved a grade 5 or more in EBacc: Maths, a total of 1,127 pupils, 4.5% greater than the National percentage of 54.6% and an increase of 4.2% from 54.9% in 2018/19 to 59.1% in 2021/2. The National percentage increase from 2018/19 was 5.5%. York fell 3 places in the percentile rankings between 2018/19 and 2021/22, from 23 to 26.

40.  Disadvantaged Progress 8: York's disadvantaged cohort of 269 pupils has an average Progress 8 Score of -0.51, which is 0.67 lower than the national Non-Disadvantaged cohort at +0.16. York’s disadvantaged cohort's Progress 8 Score has decreased by 0.18 from -0.33 in 2018/19 to -0.51 in 2021/22. York’s disadvantaged outcomes are in 45th percentile for Progress 8 Score compared to other LAs.

41. Action to improve Disadvantaged outcomes at the end of KS4: improving the attendance of pupils eligible for the pupil premium is the focus of work to improvement attainment and progress outcomes. This work is part of the city- wide attendance project which has been sponsored by the York Schools and Academies Board. All secondary schools have improvement plans in place to address the disadvantage gap and are monitoring the impact of the use of the pupil premium and targeted use of catch up funding.



42. There was no consultation involved in the production of this report.


43.  Members may request further updates and the attendance of the relevant officer at a further meeting to clarify/update on any outstanding recommendations or agree that no further updates are required.



44. There is no analysis in this report as this is not a decision-making report.


Council Plan


45.  A Better Start for children and young people as set out in the Council’s Plan 2019-23 (Making History, Building Communities) and 2021 update:     

·        What is the council going to do? Continue to prioritise gaining improved outcomes for our most disadvantaged children and young people in the City.

·        What will be different in four years? The attainment gap between our most disadvantaged children and young people and their peers will have reduced

·        2021 update: Reassert our efforts to address the inequalities facing some of our children and young people and target interventions to narrow the gap in attainment




46.  There are no known Financial, Human Resources, Equalities, Legal, ICT or other implications associated with the recommendations in this report.

Risk Management


47.  In compliance with the council’s risk management strategy, there are no known risks associated with this report.

Contact Details


Derek Sutherland

Head of Primary School Effectiveness and Achievement


Chief Officer responsible for the report:

Maxine Squire

Assistant Director, Education and Skills


Report Approved






Wards Affected: 





For further information please contact the author of the report.




ETfY = Early Talk for York

EYFS = early years foundation stage

EYFSP = early years foundation stage profile

FSM = free school meals

GLD = good level of development

KS1 = key stage one

KS2 = key stage two

KS4 = key stage 4